I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
Curriculum Provision EYFS
EYFS (Nursery & Reception) at All Saints Benhilton focuses on how children learn, as well as what they learn. Our children are given opportunities to develop their own play and independent exploration. Adults also ‘scaffold’ their learning by giving them just enough help to achieve something they could not do independently. We believe that helping children to think, discuss and plan ahead is important and all our children are given the opportunity to do this daily.
RE is at the heart of the Christian distinctiveness of our school and central to school effectiveness. RE is given priority as a core subject in our EYFS curriculum and is an excellent specialism at All Saints Benhilton. RE in our Early Years is entirely Christianity and aims for excellence in teaching and learning and developing strong religious literacy through play based learning. Lessons are planned from the Southwark Diocesan Board of Education syllabus for RE which is a coherent curriculum that enables progress through ordered and sequential learning developing both knowledge and skills.
Our curriculum covers all areas of the Early Years Foundation Stage statutory framework and we use Development Matters to support our Early Years curriculum.
Comprehensive curriculum notes outlining all learning for Nursery and Reception, including key dates/events are sent to parents/carers each half term.