He called you to salvation when we told you the Good News; now you can share in the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ.
SEN Information
Information and Guidance/Points of Contact
Who should I contact to discuss the concerns or needs of my child?
Class Teacher, first point of contact – Adapting and refining the curriculum to respond to strengths and needs of all pupils. Monitoring progress of your child and liaising with key staff about interventions needed.
Phase Leader, second point of contact – Responsibility for progress of year group and deals with concerns which cannot be dealt with by Class Teacher.
SENCO, third point of contact – Mr J. Belardini. Co-ordinating provision for children with SEN, developing and following the school’s SEN policy. Ensuring that parents are:
- Involved in supporting their child’s learning and access to the curriculum.
- Kept informed about the range and level of support offered to their child’s development and progress.
- Consulted about planning successful movement to a new class or school.
- Liaising with a range of agencies outside of school who can offer advice and support to help pupils overcome any difficulties.
- Providing specialist advice and facilitating training to ensure that all staff are skilled and confident about meeting a range of needs.
Inclusion Manager – Mr J. Belardini. Overseeing and line managing Learning Support Assistants, Teaching Assistants, Pupil Premium children and Accessibility.
Head Teacher Mrs K. Stanley-Bristowe. Responsible for the day to day management of all aspects of the school, including the provision made for pupils with SEN.
SEN Governor – J Jones. Responsible for supporting school to evaluate and develop quality and impact of provision for pupils with SEN across the school.
Telephone: 020 8644 6492 Email: office@allsaintsbenhilton.org.uk
Assessment, Planning, Doing and Reviewing / Partnerships for Progress
How does the school know how well my child is doing?
How will I be kept informed about how well my child is doing?
How regularly will I be updated on my child’s progress?
Will I know if my child is not making progress and what will happen?
- Ongoing monitoring by all teachers of rates of progress and identifying pupils not making progress. Half termly pupil progress meetings conducted by the Head Teacher, Inclusion Manager and Class Teachers.
- Use of the London Borough of Sutton’s Graduated Support for Special Educational Needs to determine the type and severity of need.
- Termly review meetings alongside other contacts to track progress towards outcomes and evaluate interventions (SEN review meetings, parents meetings and Annual Record of Achievement).
- Additional support provided via additional resources after discussions with key staff, parents/carers, pupil and where relevant, external agency.
- Additional support may be documented by an Individual Education Plan (IEP) and or a Provision Map.
- Seek external support for children continuing to experience significant difficulty – may involve an application for Education Health and Care Plan assessment.
At All Saints Benhilton Church of England Primary School, we follow the following approach to ensure that the children make expected or rapid progress:
Wave 1: Quality First Teaching which is quality inclusive teaching which takes into account the learning needs of all the children in the classroom. This includes differentiation and an inclusive learning environment.
Wave 2: Is specific, additional and time bonded interventions provided for some children who need additional support to accelerate their progress to enable them to work at or above age-related expectations. Wave 2 interventions are often targeted at a group of pupils with similar needs.
Wave 3: Is targeted provision for a minority of children where it is necessary to provide highly tailored intervention to accelerate progress or enable children to achieve their potential. This may include one to one or specialist intervention.
Curriculum and Teaching Methods (Including groupings / interventions )
What is the curriculum and how is it taught?
How will the curriculum be adapted to meet the needs of my child?
How flexible can teachers be in meeting the needs of my child?
Is there any additional support available to help my child reach his/her expected outcomes?
- Teachers are skilled at adapting the curriculum, catering for different learning styles and a creative approach to learning.
- Planning takes account of individual pupil needs.
- Grouping arrangements organised carefully to maximise learning opportunities for all.
- Additional adults may be used to help groups, ultimately leading to independence as an outcome.
- Differentiation is approached in a range of ways to support access and ensure that all pupils can experience success and challenge in their learning.
Access to Learning and the Curriculum
Are there any special features or strategies to help children learn?
How do I know my child’s particular need will be met?
- Some classes/groups of pupils or individuals may be allocated support staff and have access to guided group work or interventions.
- Every child’s strengths will be drawn upon and planned for
- Short-term targets may be set for children with an IEP
- Provision made; to meet the needs of individual children.
- Success criteria set to know when a child is successful.
- The outcomes recorded at review.
- External agencies.
- Diagnostic testing and assessment
Tests and Assessments / Access Arrangements
What arrangements are available for pupils to access tests and assessments?
How will I know if my child qualifies for additional support or time to access tests?
- Screening.
- Diagnostic/specialist assessment.
- Access Arrangements entitlement as part of normal classroom practice.
- Medical Needs/Anxiety.
- Home School liaison
Social and Emotional Support
How does the school help my child to feel comfortable and safe and manage social situations?
How does the school help develop my child’s social and emotional skills?
What is the school’s policy on bullying?
- Open door policy and transparency between school and parents.
- Mentoring activities by adult/peer.
- Groups and interventions by trained staff to develop Social skills and enhance self-esteem. Such as: Lego Therapy, ELSA sessions, Fun Friends, SMILES therapy and personalised social stories.
- Access to specialist support.
- Before school, lunchtime & after-school clubs.
- Home/School liaison: Record of Achievement and Parent/ Teacher interviews.
- Shared target setting and steps to success for the child
- Visual timetables / cues.
- Strong ethos of pastoral care.
- Anti-Bullying Policy and procedures – focus on vulnerable groups.
- Staff presence at breaks and lunch.
- Preparation for high school.
- Jigsaw programme delivered across the school for PHSCE.
- We have rigorous Safeguarding procedures.
Accessibility to Premises and Facilities
What facilities are in the school to assist children with disabilities move around the building and take part in lessons?
How do I know my child will be able to access all lessons?
- Wheelchair access.
- Reasonable adjustments e.g. two accessible toilet facilities.
- Duties under the Equality Act 2010.
- School all on one floor.
Working with others
Who does the school work with?
How are these accessed – referrals; criteria.
How does the school work with other agencies?
How will I be informed?
The school works with other agencies listed below. After discussion with parents, staff SENCO and Inclusion manager a referral may be made if it is deemed that further support is required to aid an individual. The service will then decide if the child meets their criteria to access the service.
- Educational Psychology Service.
- Learning Support Service.
- Behaviour Support Service.
- Sensory Impairment Service.
- Speech Language Communication Service.
- Autism Spectrum Disorder Service.
- Special Educational Needs Team.
- Occupational Therapy.
- School Nurse.
- Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service.
- Social Care.
- Voluntary.
All services are subject to referral following specific criteria and we follow the Sutton graduated response criteria.
- Protocols for informing parents/ carers and child - The school will always seek written consent for any assessment to be made (except in the case of an emergency safeguarding referral).
- How referrals are made – referrals are made to each agency using the service’s template and submitting evidence requested by them.
How will the school help my child settle with confidence and manage change as they move between schools and year groups?
- Children and young people with SEN can become particularly anxious about ‘transition’ so we seek to support successful transition by:
- Attending borough transfer meetings to discuss individual needs with High School SENCO’s.
- Make arrangements for additional visits if deemed necessary.
- In Foundation Stage/Key Stage 1 & 2 transition books with photographs of key people and points of contact are made well in advance and given to pupils to refer to at home during holiday periods.
- Information sharing meetings with new teacher to discuss strategies.
- High School staff visit school to meet children and Yr6 staff extend transition input via PHSCE topic on: Changes in me, Celebrating differences and Goal setting
- Opportunities for additional meetings with new class teacher/ support staff.
- Invite relevant staff to Y5 annual review meetings.
- SENCO supporting parents with Secondary Transfer meetings and the associated paperwork.
Other Headings and Comments
The following policies are available on the schools website here and have helped form part of the school’s Local Offer:
SEN Policy
Equalities Policy
Accessibility Plan
Inclusion Policy
Child Protecttion and Safeguarding Policy