Walk in wisdom toward outsiders, making the best use of the time.
General Information
School Hours
Reception: 31.25 hours per week (8:45am-3:00pm)
Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2: 32.5 hours per week (8:45am-3:15pm)
Morning gates open at 8:45am and close at 8:55am. Please drop your children off promptly.
Afternoon gates open at 3:00pm and close at 3:25pm. Please collect your children promptly.
Any children not collected before the gates close will be looked after in our After School Club and parents/carers will be charged accordingly.
The school office is open from 8:30am.
Year Group |
Start |
Finish |
Nursery AM |
8:40am |
11:40am |
Nursery PM |
12:30pm |
3:30pm |
Reception |
8:45am |
3:00pm |
Year 1 |
8:45am |
3:15pm |
Year 2 |
8:45am |
3:15pm |
Year 3 |
8:45am |
3:15pm |
Year 4 |
8:45am |
3:15pm |
Year 5 |
8:45am |
3:15pm |
Year 6 |
8:45am |
3:15pm |
The Nursery runs Morning (8:40-11:40am) and Afternoon (12:30-3:30pm) sessions.
The registers are kept open for 15 minutes from the beginning of both morning and afternoon sessions. After these times, a child is marked officially absent unless previous notification has been given.
Please confirm any absences with a telephone call on the day and by 9:15am.
Collecting your child
There is no law determining the age at which a sibling can accompany a child to and from school. It is up to parents and carers to decide whether they feel this is appropriate.
If you are considering allowing your child to go home with an older sibling/ relative, please consider the following:
- the maturity of all the children involved
- the length and nature of the journey home
- the behaviour of all the children involved
- the relationship between the children collecting or being collected.
Early Years and Key Stage 1
Please note that children in Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 will not be released to any person collecting who is under the age of 14.
Key Stage 2
Please note that children in Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 may be released to an older sibling who is at least 14 years of age. The parent must give written permsission and verify the collecting child’s age if under 14. Where necessary, we reserve the right not to dismiss to anyone who looks under these age requirements. If this is the case, we will contact the parent.
Permission for children to walk home unaccompanied
If a parent/carer gives consent for their child to walk home unaccompanied by an adult, then the school must receive this consent in writing. This will be added to the child’s school records and the teacher made aware. We only permit children in Years 5 and Year 6 to walk home unaccompanied.
For Term Dates, Inset Days and our school calendar, please visit the Term Dates and Information section.
Parents and the School
We like to work closely with parents and value their input to the school. Our regular newsletters keep parents informed about what is going on in the school and how they can get involved. We operate an “Open Door Policy” and welcome discussion with parents regarding all aspects of the school. All Saints Benhilton is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. To read our Child Protection Policy and our Safeguarding Statement please see our School Policies page.
Behaviour and Discipline
As a Christian school, All Saints Benhilton Primary School believes that everyone is created in the image of God and in our school, love, respect, reconciliation and forgiveness are a key part of the school’s behaviour policy. Our principles on discipline and behaviour are based on the school's vision ‘With knowledge we can know. With faith we can act. With knowledge, faith and love we can change the world.’
Our aims are for all pupils to be encouraged to have respect and sensitivity for themselves, for others and for their school. Adults in the school’s community are role models for the children, whom they depend on for moral standards, values and for guidance on acceptable behaviour. Positive behaviour in school is central to a good education. We aim to create a culture where children and staff flourish in safety and dignity and where veryone who joins the school’s community has a part to play in promoting positive behaviour.
Our aim is to encourage a positive attitude to work at school and at home on the part of both parents and children. Parents can do a great deal to support the work of the school by helping to develop their children's vocabulary, number awareness and general knowledge.
Homework is set according to our school homework policy, available on request, which provides for increased opportunity for out-of-school study as the children progress through the school.
All children are encouraged to read widely at home and will have access to the school library for this purpose. Children throughout the Primary age range should spend some time reading every evening.