1:30 PM finish - Wednesday 24th July 2024
Please note that Wednesday 24th July 2024 is a half day and children will finish at 1:30. After School Club will close at the earlier time of 4:00PM!
1:30 PM finish - Wednesday 24th July 2024
Please note that Wednesday 24th July 2024 is a half day and children will finish at 1:30. After School Club will close at the earlier time of 4:00PM!
These are the key dates for Year 7 September 2025 entry process for: Wilson's School, Wallington High, Wallington County, Sutton Grammar, Nonsuch and Greenshaw whoconduct a joint Selective Eligibility Test.
On the attatched document
The UK Health Security Agency is writing to encourage you to check that your child is up to date with their immunisations before starting school.
If your child is aged between two and five years old, they should have had their pre-school immunisations (also known as vaccinations) which will help protect your child against many serious infections.
It’s also a good time to catch up with any of the usual immunisations your child may have missed as a baby or toddler. Just ask your GP practice or clinic about catch-up doses. It is never too late to have your child immunised.
The table below shows the pre-school immunisations that your child will be offered by your GP between the ages of two and five, and also has information about the flu vaccine which will be offered to them each year in school.
You can read the full letter here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1nuLt2rx9Y66QmGFXU2XfB2BI2geWEbgZ/view?usp=sharing
Beginning secondary school involves lots of different changes for children including travelling new routes to school, becoming familiar with new environments and teachers, making new friends, and learning new subjects. This workshop aims to discuss these common worries and provide strategies to help you support your child through the transition.
The Education Wellbeing Service is offering this workshop on 2 dates. Parents can either attend an online webinar or in person session.
To book on to either event (right mouse click on image and open in new tab), sign up for free on Eventbrite by clicking the links or scanning the QR Codes: Webinar Wednesday 5th July 7-8 pm wellbeinginschoolsevents@swlstg.nhs.uk Thursday 6th July 12.30-1.30 pm
The charity was founded in 1961 and was formerly known as the National Kidney Research Fund. Phyl and Dave Leonard who are part of the All Saints Benhilton Church community have a son Steve who has chronic kidney disease stage 4 and at sometime in the future will require dialysis and eventually a kidney transplant. They have asked us to appeal for used stamps which they collect in support of Kidney Research. They would really appreciate it if you would share their request with your friends and family.
There are three major categories of postage stamps you can collect.
- Modern UK stamps
- Old UK stamps
- Foreign stamps
Please send the stamps into school with your children, or alternatively they may be left in the box at the back of church.
"For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."