Therefore welcome one another as Christ has welcomed you, for the glory of God.
School Uniform
All children are expected to wear school uniform. It is simple and practical and can be ordered on line from Schoolwear Inc.. All children in main school must wear sensible shoes; boots (including ankle style boots) and trainers are not permitted. Outdoor coats MUST be black or blue (dark blue or navy). Hats must be plain blue or black or school branded. Hair, if shoulder length or longer, should be completely tied up (not half up/half down) and hair bands should be plain (no attachments) black or purple.
Jewellery should not be worn by pupils in school as safety of the article and/or the wearer cannot be guaranteed. For this reason, the wearing of earrings is not allowed other than small, plain studs. No earrings are allowed in P.E.
No wearable technology e.g. Smartwatches should be brought into school due to privacy concerns. Any item of wearable technology will be confiscated and returned to a parent/carer at the end of the school day.
Uniform List:
White polo shirt
Purple v-neck sweatshirt/cardigan with school logo
Black jogging bottoms
Reception & Key Stage 1
White polo shirt
Purple v-neck sweatshirt/cardigan with school logo
Grey skirts, culottes or tailored trousers (not stretchy)
Socks should be grey or black, and white in Trinity 1 to the end of Michaelmas 1 when worn with dresses
Tights should be grey or black
Purple check dresses (Trinity 1 to the end of Michaelmas 1)
Black shoes
Key Stage 2
Plain white shirts/ blouses and school tie to be worn from Michelmas 2 to end of Lent 2.
Purple v-neck sweatshirt/cardigan with school logo
Grey skirts, culottes or tailored trousers (not stretchy)
Socks should be grey or black, and white in Trinity 1 to the end of Michaelmas 1 when worn with dresses
Tights should be grey or black
Purple check dresses/white polo shirt from Trinity 1 to the end of Michaelmas 1.
Black shoes
PE Kit
White or black t shirt
Black shorts
Black plimsolls (Infants)
Trainers (Juniors)
Black jogging bottoms
School P.E. Bag
Other items available
Black school fleece
Black school waterproof jacket
Black school bag (Key Stage 2)